What do you do when resentment creeps into our experience in spite of our best efforts to avoid it? Unacknowledged anger forced into the shadow, brews into bitterness or expresses as explosive rage, just like a volcanic eruption releases pent up pressure.
Untended resentment starts to colour our relationships, especially our most cherished and intimate ones.
When we start exploring the shift into being the Creator of our own experience, there is no one else to blame or make wrong. The path to healing involves one radical step - allowing the resentment to arise without trying to change, justify or fix it in any way. Simply, letting it be. Accepting it as a part of our Earthly experience and giving it space to flow through the field of our heart where it turns into compassion for weird and wonderfulness of our humanity. Waves of the stuff can surface from the buried recesses of our consciousness once we are ok to play this game, the process remains the same every time.
That’s it. There’s nothing more to it. Just the willingness to let go of being right (even if you are, especially when we are).
Letting go of resentment isn’t the same as spiritual bypassing. It doesn’t absolve us from the responsibility of taking appropriate action to reset boundaries when needed or course correct dysfunctional relating patterns. How do we know the difference? One tastes of liberation while the other feels like being let off the hook temporarily only to be dragged deeper into the same mess.
The energetic difference is clear and palpable. As I like to remind myself often: ‘The truth always sets you free, but it can really piss you off first’. The monkey caught with their hand in the cookie jar has to choose freedom first.
Temple bell in India