What budding talents are you keeping hidden?
What treasures want to find expression through your voice, hands and feet?
What would happen if you spoke the words in your head out loud, if you sang outside the shower, if you danced in the rain? Tenderly at first, with some hesitation, and then later with wild abandon.
You probably already know this, but let me spell it out. Under the layers of doubt and fear, don’t you suspect that if you allow yourself to let go, you will come alive? The undeniable force that you are, will heal you and set the world on fire, in a good way.
The world needs more people who hear the call to come alive. Not just the heroes and heroines we admire from afar, but regular folks like you and me with a forgotten dream in our hearts that’s been pushed aside for too long.
I’ve created a beautiful new home for my poetry and this is your invitation to visit. Click on the image below to enter.
It’s far from perfect, mind you. My mantra here is progress first, then perfection. If only I’d remembered to take pictures of the shitty first draft. I add new poems, chop and change things as new clarity emerges. It means I’m not waiting for the day when I have all the pieces sorted out, in order to get started. This is also how I built my website, created a thriving life in a foreign country and continue to make the positive impact I want to have in my world.
The thing is, everyone has inherent gifts and talents, including you and me. Some of them are obvious, others need nurturing to become real and blossom into fullness. That’s the only difference between wishing you were born talented like others, and taking the risk to discover and grow the talents that you already have. Take one step in the direction you’re headed, let it be imperfect. You can keep evolving into perfection, that’s a lifelong thing.
Pic : Bramhanda Yoni - painting by Monika Vijh