The shadow of hidden desires

The kind that make your heart race with anticipation and fill you with angst at the same time. You know, the inconvenient ones that make you wonder if someone up there is having a laugh at your expense... why else would you be given desires that are only going to land you in trouble?
- You have a perfectly good job that pays all the bills and then some, but your heart is set on starting a risky business venture of your own.
- Your family life is ideal and you love them all dearly, but you want to get a place of your own where you can get away from it all.
- You don't need to work for money and there's zero pressure for you to have a career, but you know that you're not living your full potential and wish that you had found your true calling. 
- Your partner is a good person and there's nothing wrong with your relationship, but you're not fulfilled and secretly yearn for an extraordinary love. 
- Anand Mehrotra
The desires that we ignore, reject or repress are forced into the shadow. While we pretend that they're not really there, they still play out in unpredictable and unwholesome ways as we try to - eat them away, work them away, sexualise them away, shop them away, achieve them away, drink them away...dampening the vibrant Spark Of Our Being.
What if these desires are not the work of the devil but perfectly normal and natural?
If we welcomed them with curiosity and met them without judgement, they are the seeds of our unique greater unfolding, The song lyrics go, 'there's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in'. The portals calling us into more wisdom, richness and fulfilment are in right here in the unresolved pieces of our Lives. If we stop papering over the cracks long enough, the light will come streaming in.

So, what unreasonable desires have you been pushing away, and what would happen if you found a more inclusive way of being with them?

A young boy called Kuldip who befriended me during my travels in India.