One breath away from home

I’m in the middle of it. Trust me, it's a real shit show out here and I’m getting more worked up by the minute. 
X will simply NOT listen to reason, EVER. I mean, why only be difficult when with just a little bit more you can be bloody impossible, right?
Y has NOT done what they THEMSELVES enthusiastically agreed to only the day before and is clearly not planning to get with the program anytime soon.
I don’t even know where to begin with Z, we are not even on the same galaxy, let alone the same page.

I just want to scream and I'd love to smash a few jars on the floor but I'm worried that someone will come and lock me up. I guess I'll just have to continue seething inside as I tear my hair out with my own hands.
Then, right there in the middle of the storm, I suddenly remember to pause. And I breathe. In that split second, I’m aware of my own centre and the clouds part long enough for me to step back. In the eye of the storm there's an ocean of love and peace, I remember that I am that. I'm the ocean of peace inside which the storm arises and subsides. 
Here, I can hear the quiet, loving, moment to moment guidance of wisdom under the noise. Here, I simply know what to do next without going into drama and meltdown. Where there is wisdom, there is presence and everything works out with Grace. 
Taking a pause in the midst of chaos, requires no effort, only intention. It doesn't mean that our challenges, problems and issues will magically go away, that isn't the point. It means we can navigate them with power and intelligence. All of us have that ability, it's innate. Developing the skill to do it in the moment takes practice, just like anything else. 
Stress makes us function sub-optimally (or it makes us blind and unable to see what's obvious to the rest). Fortunately, we are only one breath away from coming home to our innate intelligence, and we can make that switch at any time.