Finding the perfect spot to enjoy the drama of the waves is a labour of love. Ideally, I’m looking for a smooth rock in the shade with a bit of breeze, free from crabs and insects, with a great view of the surf as it crashes on to the rocks. Sometimes, I like to be able to dip my feel into the water or feel the ocean spray directly on my skin. I also need to keep an eye on the tide to make sure I don’t get marooned when the tide changes.
Not too much to ask for, is it?
I like to take my time and I usually know when I’ve found my spot. There’s a feeling of sheer delight when you create for real what you’ve already imagined in the inner, the sweet spot that’s just right for you. Otherwise, you could be ‘settling for less than’ or ‘compromising with good enough’. Nothing wrong with it per se, but when you stick your neck out to go the extra mile, there’s the possibility of sheer delight.
The reason why we don’t always adopt this attitude is because there’s no guarantee that we’ll find what we’re looking for, so to avoid disappointment, we stay with the crowd. It takes extra-ordinary belief in your own desires, along with a healthy dash of willingness to miss the mark, to walk the road less travelled.
Breaking the inertia of needing to compromise all the time is enlivening, scary and deeply transformative at the same time. On the surface it might not look like you’re doing much but the action has deep ripples. That’s why one of my favourite exercises with clients is deceptively simple : to arrange a space (room, wardrobe or even a drawer) exactly how YOU want it, so that it sparks joy for YOU. NO compromises. Coupled with some honest reflection, it’s life changing. Try it and see for yourself!
PS There are other times, especially in relationships, when we choose to let go of our preferences to have a shared experience with the other.
Sea side in Costa Rica