Spider love

After tirelessly and carefully constructing an intricate web out of silken electrified threads to trap it’s prey, the spider awaits suspended in the centre with the composure of a yogi. Such absolute stillness that makes you wonder if it’s even alive, if the ruse is to work there can be no sign of of life. The whole thing is so cleverly engineered that by the time the unsuspecting fly notices, it will be too late to escape. In order to really live, one must be prepared to die. Focus and fearlessness is part of natures evolutionary design.
At twice the size approximately, the female of this species of spiders is much larger than the male. Golden silk orb-weavers appearing seasonally are known for the intricate webs they weave. The male spider waits in close proximity until it’s time to copulate. I’m a deadly move, he’ll be devoured by the female as soon as his purpose is fulfilled. This behaviour is apparently quite common for arachnids. The female of the species is quite obviously deadlier than the male here. Deadlier means more potent. Eggs laid by the female will hatch new life in the next season and the cycle of life continues.
Doesn’t the natural world just blow your mind!