The objects of our desire

 HOME can be the perfect house of your dreams, fitted with all of your creature comforts, and full of the most exquisite things.
It can also be ‘at home with yourself’, so you can always feel at home no matter where you are.
LOVE can be what we seek from the world, a romantic relationship status.
It can also be what you discover when you dive into the depths of yourself, so it becomes the place from where we meet the world.
 ABUNDANCE can be the state of our bank account and everything we own.
It can also be the trust in your heart that we are held by Grace in an intelligent universe where everything is always working out, so that we don’t miss the bountiful flow of life happening today, in our preoccupation with hoarding for tomorrow.
 FREEDOM can be the choices at your disposal, getting exactly what you want when you want it.
It can also be your willingness to meet change, loss and the unknown with an open heart, so we can be available with greater presence to a bigger experience of now.
Existence accepts us unconditionally exactly as we are, granting the next breath and heartbeat as symbols of Her love. In the constant, furious, relentless unfolding of Creation, nothing is ever wrong. Or right. Everything always just is. That way of seeing makes imperfection into perfect, without having to change a thing.
As Her children, She endows each one of us with the power to tune into our own unique visions, and live into them. Time unfolds as the answer to the aspirations we carry in the innermost sanctum of our heart. The objects of our desire, worthy and otherwise, keep drawing our energy either intentionally or unconsciously. Spiritual or not, we do have an altar where we pray with our attention. Sooner or later, we get whatever we have been seeking, nothing more and nothing less.
Suppressed desires don’t just go away, they act out in unconscious shadow behaviour. The more we try to deny them and force them into submission, they just seem to come back to bite us with even greater vengeance. In owning our desires without judgement, we hold them in the light of awareness. Here, we can either choose to nourish them into fulfilment, or refine our grosser cravings into more wholesome forms of expression.