Dear Me,
that you are already whole,
free and powerful.
I give you permission
to claim your truth
and burn everything else
In that wild fire.
You Do Not Have To Be :
- The long-suffering wife trapped in the illusion of safety in the outdated institution of marriage
- The self-sacrificing mother, killing her own desires and controlling her children, living vicariously through them.
- The gossipy friend, bitching about others and making unkind jokes about yourself, to buy cheap belonging in the tribe.
You Can Release Yourself From :
- The resentful saviour
- The man hater
- The perfect daughter
You Can Stop Acting Out Old Stories Of Suppression as :
- The know it all who takes no risks and keeps her hands clean, but has opinions about how the world should be doing it.
- The back seat driver, going nowhere herself but always interfering in others business.
- The unwanted counsel, giving cheap and unsolicited advice freely without deeply embodying it.
Please don’t be bound by the false beliefs of :
- The blind one who gives up her power and then begs, struggles and fights for it.
- The self-loathing woman who gives up her authenticity for social points and crumbs of validation.
- The victim, demanding attention and controlling others with her untended misery.
Remember who you are, and who you are not :
- The damned prostitute who doesn’t recognise the sacred of her body and soul, she trades the priceless for safety, power and material benefit.
- The reckless gambler, she leaps without looking and throws away the diamond of her essence in fits of impulsiveness.
- The disempowered slave, damsel in distress, she’s waiting for her Prince inside a dark castle, in form denial of her own light.