True to life

Did the Chameleon response get activated within you early on?
- Blending into the environment to avoid unwanted attention, ridicule or punishment
- Editing your natural expression to stay out of trouble
- Shrinking desires that would land you in shame
- Disappearing your needs to stay welcome
Maybe you got the message from a misinformed environment that who you are is anything but wholesome, inherently worthy and blessed with natural gifts.
Did these parts of you get stuffed down with food and treats? Numbed and distracted into the culturally approved standard. You and me, started down the road of working hard, achieving and accumulating - to become good enough - to win approval - and avoid rejection.
Aiming for perfect - because there’s something innately wrong with us is the common default in our culture. But really it’s a trap when we trade our precious well-being - for the idea that there’s another perfect that lives in a future location.
When the future destination we were striving for finally arrives, there’s a high, but it’s short lived and doesn’t really live up to the expectations we had. The sense of something wrong which was covered up by aiming for perfection in the future shows up again - we grab the next idea of perfection in the future almost immediately - and the cycle continues - until we recognise that the design is inherently flawed, or end up in breakdown or disease.
So, what now?
Return to you. The golden thread of wholeness runs through all of life in every moment. It’s beyond the ideas of perfect and imperfect made up by human thought. We can tune into this field in the truth of our heart. Owning our feelings, questioning our assumptions, correcting our mistaken beliefs and nurturing our desires is a path of becoming. We might have learned that we are broken, flawed and powerless from an ignorant culture, we only need to remember the inherent wholeness, radiance and creativity of our true nature. It's how we claim the promise of who we came here to be.
So, we’re inherently always ok and here to evolve. Not because there’s something wrong with the way we are, but because it’s the impulse of LIFE to do so. Growing from the ground of unconditional acceptance of all that is so, goes against the grain of everything educated into us, but it’s the bigger law of existence. Take a look outside in nature where it's much more obvious.

Dandelion, weed or wonder?