What does happiness have to do with success?

persistent illusions no. 1

Not much, actually. Yet on closer inspection, we've found ourselves inside the maze of striving for success at all costs, in the secret hope that it will eventually make us happy. You know how the story goes, when I have ..., then I'll be...., and then I'll live happily ever after. Fill in the blanks.

Isn't this the reason that so many extremely accomplished, well-to-do folks have chronic discontent and an inner state of perpetual lack. It's also why we end up feeling disillusioned and betrayed when everything we believed would make us happy, doesn't end up in any kind of lasting fulfilment, but only feeds the hungry ghost. Henry David Thoreau said of this condition, 'the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation'. 

There are also people with relatively next-to-nothing, but a wealth of peace and the capacity to effortlessly share what they have with others. I've spent time with both. It made me think that happiness and generosity of spirit has little to do with the trappings of success. Unlike the way that we've been taught and innocently assumed, it has everything to do with our inner world. It just seems impossible and incredibly frustrating when we go about it with the cart in front of the horse.
The thing is, happy people tend to find success on their own terms sooner or later. But most of the time, we're busy hiding our misery, pretending to ourselves and others that we're deliriously happy. I can tell you that it's not the same thing at all, because I was really good at it. It was a real relief to give it up when I finally got round to it.

No matter how ugly or awful it is, the first step in transforming any situation is to acknowledge it in its naked glory. This step is a simple power move that has never failed me. In the absence of support, it can be difficult at the same time, which is why we haven't done it already. I believe that there's no other way around this, but to go through it. A solid house needs a proper foundation, and being completely honest with yourself, regardless of the discomfort, is a very good place to start. 

The beauty is that the moment we're in the truth, the chaos subsides and we find ourselves in a clearing of peace. Here,  we can receive guidance from our own wisdom and the creative intelligence of life guiding us forward. This is the shift from reaction to creation. Sometimes the people who we normally count on aren't able to nurture us through this transition. That is not a sign for us to continue in old ways that no longer serve us, instead we can explore expanding our field of support.