The heroes of my Altar

There was a time

I needed to fill the silence

With words, activity, music

Not so long ago

I was terrified of the dark

Convinced it would swallow me whole

I ran away from stillness

It was dull, dead, boring

Fun and exciting was more my scene

Was it only yesterday

I couldn’t stand to be alone

Monsters in empty space were coming to get me

Today, these are the Heroes I invoke

Their images adorn my altar

The very same ones to whom I pray

For a mere sideways glance

My fervent wish is to be filled with silence

I long for the Dark Goddess to swallow me whole

I desire nothing more than to be devoured by the void

Le stillness descend now and claim my whole Being

Isn’t it crazy how things can change

With the turning of the hungry tide

The non-stop magic we barely notice

Even though it’s right under our nose

PS. If you’re longing to set up an altar for yourself but feeling shy or unsure about it, we can set up a session to change this into a positive, life-giving experience.