They sound similar but there’s a subtle and powerful difference. Hidden in the gap between the two is a portal to a powerful possibility.
Waiting is living passively with hope in the present, and if we pay closer attention there’s a layer of deep agitation under it. Disconnected from the abundance and wholeness of liife, it arises in distrust and therefore breeds anxiety.
Patience is an active, enlivening, energised state of Being imbued with the underlying bliss of existence. It’s rooted in surrender, innocence and trust in the unknown as your beloved. The Unknown is not a threat but the Great, loving mother that birthed everything including you and the desires in your belly.
Inside waiting is the invitation for it to evolve into patience - refining our desires from immature, entitled demands from Life and others, into the joyful impulse to serve the whole. Any self imposed suffering in the name of sacrifice for the greater good is out of the question and must be cremated in the fire of devotion. Nothing can be left out of this equation, so how can you?
The wisdom of Yoga, which is the law of Nature says:
~ Anand Mehrotra
Aligning with the laws of Nature, opens our experience into the sweetness of life. The nectar of fulfilment is ultimately what we’re looking for under all of our acts of seeking, wordly or spiritual. With the birth of patience and the end of waiting, we feel the trickle of this juice on our tongue, right here and now.
Birds of prey in Uttarakhand, India.