Chameleon or Peacock

The fear of being wrong can literally stunt our growth by keeping us hidden in the shadow of others. Becoming invisible and blending into the environment, like a chameleon, brings a sense of control around the possibility of being ridiculed, laughed at or punished by the others in our circle. Blending into the environment and changing our natural colours is a great defence mechanism for someone in real danger.
when it becomes a default pattern of behaviour that’s no longer needed for survival, it’s a big block to experiencing the incredible aliveness and joy of expressing our wild and natural self. The energetic wall that we build around ourselves to avoid being hurt by rejection, also stops us from making the heart centred fulfilling connections that we deeply desire.
When we take the risk to express our most authentic self, some people may laugh at us, point the finger of ridicule or even shame. Others will be drawn to us because of who we really are. If we stop being our fullest expression because of the fear of another persons reaction, it will feel like you’re living someone else’s life even if you have everything. On the other hand if we take the risk to be who we really are, life will become a reflection of the same authenticity in all of its vibrant colours.

Pic Credit Ricardo Frantz on Unsplash