the void companion guide

journal prompts to work with poetry for inner alchemy

Welcome! this section of the void companion guide has journalling prompts to support you in working with poetry in a deeper way.

To get started, you'll need to choose a poem or a few poems to work with. I recommend working with no more than 1-3 poems at a time. Use the intuitive method from the previous video. 
Next, set a length of time you want to stay with these poems. Check in with yourself and listen for the answer. You can also go with the flow and trust that you'll be guided when the poem/s have done their work with you with a knowing.
Keep a journal and writing materials close to write your reflections after you read the poem/s or as they arise during the course of the day. Often, wisdom will pour in at unexpected times.
When you read the poems, take them in and let them wash over you without trying to make analyse them too much or dissect them with your intellectual thinking. Simply absorb them and let them marinate in your awareness. 
There are several prompts below, from gentle to fierce, go slow with them. You don't need to work with all of them at once, or in the same order. Pick the ones that feel inviting or draw you in straight away. Stay with the same prompt for as long as it feels alive. 

suggested journal prompts

  • What feelings are arising for you right now?
  • How would you describe the sensations being invoked in your body?
  • Is there a forgotten longing awakening in your Being?
  • Do you have a sense of remembering something that you're not sure you've experience yet, like a deja-vu of the future?
  • What feels inherently true to you, even though you may not have a logical explanation for it?
  • What truth would you know, if you weren’t afraid of having to face any negative consequences?
  • Who are you when you feel most like yourself?
  • If you had another birth, what would you be doing differently?
  • What would you change if you could absolutely trust that it’s going to work out?
  • What situation would you no longer align with, if you could be absolutely sure that peace and joy are your birthright? 

thanks for being a force of positive transformation in our world. if you’re curious about other ways of working with me, you can book an exploration call here.