self leadership and the planets



a warm welcome here!

As practitioners, Master teachers and Jyotishis (Vedic astrologers) in the Sattva Himalayan Yoga tradition, our deepest intention is to embody the teachings shared with us. We're passionate about creating a new paradigm of Leadership and this knowledge is truly life-changing in our experience. We're delighted and honoured to share our reverence for this wisdom with you, let's dive in!
This self study course is presented in a series of conversations.  The knowledge is laid out in bite sized portions, remember that it is from the Vedas and runs deep. We recommend taking your time between modules to internalise, digest and integrate, so it can work it's magic with you.  Feel free to revisit the modules as often as you like. In this way it will be most impactful for you and become relevant to your life situations, not just more information to store in your inner library. 
Jyotish is called the science of light. There's a module on each planet with its light and shadow expressions, and how to work with refining the energy. Explore them in the order we have here, or follow your intuition and go non-linear. If you know your planetary allies (ascendant, moon, sun snd rulers of the 5th snd 9th house) or planets that need strengthening or extra attention in your chart, that could be another way to approach the series. This is different from your sun sign in western astrology, we recommend getting a Vedic astrology reading for the relevant information. 

support yourself in a potent learning experience:

Spend time with nature; Contemplate and journal on your deeper intentions and insights; Walk barefoot on the Earth; Meditate; Eat grounding foods; Pause, breathe deeply and slow down; Give yourself or have an oil massage, especially on your head. 
Self-care is Self-love in action. Treat this list as a menu, take what feels nourishing from here. It's here to support you, not a task list for you to complete or a stick to beat yourself with. Don't let it become a source of unnecessary guilt or overwhelm. Use the suggestions as inspiration to create a relaxed and grounded space within, where seeds of wisdom can germinate.  

With love and blessings,
Monika Vijh
Micael Wigerud 
P. S. Please don’t share the course with anyone else even though it's a free offering. If you know someone who would benefit from this material, ask them to register first using this link.