Is it really possible for regular people like you and me to claim the wholeness, bliss and power of our true Self in our everyday lives...
Or does that belong squarely in the domain of the chosen few who are different, special or gifted in some way?
We can sense that it's here, buried under the struggle, stress and strife of our normal existence. What if the answer to that is yes. Not only that, there's nothing you need to do to become worthy of this bliss, it's the essence of who you already are. If you want, it, it's yours for the taking.
the unknown is your beloved.
Under the layers of conditioning, we have the answers for our own life. When we stop running away from ourselves and pause to really listen, a deeper knowing arises in the stillness of the heart. The big idea here is to make space for the wholehearted, joyful and most aligned expression of YOU to emerge. Life is calling you to claim the radiance of your soul, feel really good in your own skin, and enrich the world with your deeper gifts.
there’s an incomparable ecstasy to living your real life, NOT SOMEONE ELSE’S IDEA OF PERFECT.
The people I work with are adventurous, big hearted and resourceful individuals. They long to experience more freedom, aliveness and are called to a life of greater meaning and fulfilment. They want make a positive impact on the people around them - their children, family, friends, workplace and larger community. They intuitively recognise an unexplored potential beyond the struggle for the trappings of cultural success.
Welcome, I’m Monika, Transformational Life Coach.
A blissful, struggle-free existence is our birthright. Just beyond the conditioning of fear, a life of peace, creative intelligence and sublime flow awaits you. The joy that is released from owning your depth is a powerful force for your own healing. It ripples out into a wholesome and fulfilling life.
I've lived the reality of looking into the mirror one day and being lost, barely able to recognise myself in the reflection. I went from having the 'perfect' life and still feeling empty, dead and meaningless inside, to coming radically alive in my authentic skin. I can support you to rise through challenges too and take steps into who you are becoming.
half-assed living is painful, theRE IS AN antidote.
Settling for the illusion of safety in the ever repeating known, is a recipe for frustration. You can have it all and still be empty, slowly dying on the inside. That was my story until I heard the call to adventure, said yes to challenge and went on a Heroine's journey. There's really nothing more worthy of investing your energy in, than a life you don't want to escape from.
You can go from overanalysing, resistance and delaying on your hearts true desires - to making joyful progress, pursuing what you love and coming alive. No pushing or pressure. Inner crisis can become a catalyst for the most precious unfolding into the Life that you've been waiting for. Coaching is designed to help you demystify the situation you're in and move beyond your blind spots. You'll get clarity on what's really important to you now, and be able to design practical next steps from there.
the natural impulse of life is to evolve through you.
Do you feel separate from what you truly desire in life? Is fulfilment missing from your work, is your body crying out for vitality? Is there a conflict between head and heart? Does drama and power struggle run your relationships, instead of support and love? The longings you sense may not be fully clear yet, or feel so out of reach that you keep pushing it aside for another day. These are signs of inner disconnection wanting to come into wholeness. The first step into real change is to acknowledge the truth in its full, naked glory. No matter how ugly or awful it is. You'll be uncomfortable but in more powerful state than denial.
RISE THROUGH CHALLENGES, they’re happening for you.
Challenges are Life's way of evolving us into who we are meant to be, the experience of struggle is our resistance to change. The deeper truth is that challenges are happening for us. We are not alone in a hostile universe, but being supported into becoming, by the Creative Intelligence of Life itself. This is true even if it doesn't seem that way. Often people find me when they're at a crossroads and seeking to make choices that are aligned with a more true path for them. Navigating this space can be tricky and appear daunting at first. You'll have way more doubts, confusion and second guessing than usual. Sometimes, the way appears only as we start to walk the path.
same thinking, same action, same results.
In times of deep transformation, trying to figure it all out by yourself can paradoxically keep you stuck. The same loop of thinking, gets the same results, from more of what you already know. This can trigger further feelings of doubt, failure and in the absence of wisdom even start a downward spiral into darkness.
It doesn't have to be harder than it is though, sometimes the most courageous thing is to ask for support from someone who can provide it. Real change requires getting out of your head, and taking actual steps aligned with the reality you want to create. Baby steps are perfectly ok, they soon add up. If you'd like to explore getting support from me, get in touch here.
Imagine a world where we are living our wild, radical aliveness. We wake up each day with a spring in our step, love in our hearts, and connected to a sense of joyful purpose.
My mission is to claim this expansive possibility for ourselves and live it into reality. We can vision another life for ourselves and create it with our energy. No more rushing towards meaningless ideas of success, sacrificing wellbeing and just going through the motions in a life devoid of Soul. tell me if i’m wrong here, but doesn’t that just feel sooooo gooood?
here are a couple of free resources that could be your next steps to further exploration here:
‘the truth about mistakes’ watch my tedx talk