eclipse alchemy




WELCOME, IT’S GREAT TO HAVE YOU HERE to UNPACK THE ENERGETIC impact OF ECLIPSES and harness their hidden potential.

An eclipse is a cosmic event with our Sun, Moon and Earth coming into synchronous alignment even as they're constantly travelling on the ecliptic path in space. From our point of view, these three celestial bodies are of major significance. 
The temporary disruption in their usual relationship, creates a disruption in the energetic field. Doesn't gravity affect us whether we believe in it or not? These waves in the psychic field can be felt when we're tuned in and paying attention. Think of it like tilling the soil in spring - a disturbance to the ground which activates the potential of seeds to start germinating. 
Armed with the right knowledge and tools, we can prepare to harness the alchemical potential of these energy cycles for our evolution. 

these AREN’T JUST any old bits of standard advice, BUT deep truth and LIFE CHANGING PRINCIPLES that can make a real difference if we let them. THey can connect us inTO POWER, balance AND GRACE in disruptive and intense times. THis wisdom on EXISTENtial laws of life is straight from the HIMALAYAN masters, handed down in an oral tradition from master to student. It’s very potent yet mostly hidden.

give yourself 10 minutes of distraction free time to take it in.



Let's begin with appreciation, starting with yourself. Your willingness and courage to be a force of love and sanity in a chaotic world is radical and inspiring. Appreciation changes our whole chemistry, but it needs to be genuine. Breathe all the way into your belly. Send the breath of love into your heart, your hips, let it spread into your whole body and being. Repeat this step at least once a day (or more).


Set aside a chunk of time every day from normal activity. Use this for soulful spaciousness, inner nourishment and connection with your neglected parts. 
Tending to your mind-body-spirit in this time particularly, is not selfish but essential.
Invite compassion for shadow behaviours of your own and others that are likely to be triggered. Remember to forgive yourself and others easily, and as often as necessary.
Eat well and hydrate properly. Spend time with nature. Oil your body and scalp. Feel your feelings. 
Move, sing, doodle, be creative - not towards an outcome but just for its own sake.


Any practices that ground and stabilise you:
Meditation, chanting, devotional practice, being with nature, calming music, silence, yoga, mantra and breath work. Spiritual practice that supports you to be centred, calm and grounded has an exponential effect around the eclipse. 


Eclipses are great times to take a step back from visibility and external focused activity. 
2-3 days on either side and especially on the day: Avoid launching new ventures, starting collaborations, making big decisions or signing contracts, it's ok to continue working on things that are already in the works; Avoid big gatherings or unnecessary long distance travel. 


Take care of important conversations and significant discussions outside this time period. You will likely see hidden patterns in your exchanges with others, which may upset you and result in undesirable conflict and drama. Put these conversations on your eclipse list too, you can take them up after the emotional charge has passed and you're centred in calm. In the meantime, breathe. Count to ten and call Timeouts.


Sudden, forceful internal impulse hijacks are typical of eclipse energy and usually tend to lead us down a slippery slope into non-serving habits. Be vigilant, these can often feel like intuitive hits but are really craving energy pulling you off centre. Wait until the eclipse cycle is over before jumping into action that you'll be kicking yourself for later. Review your desire again after the eclipses pass and check for alignment. Make an eclipse list where you write down creative energy idea surges before rushing into action. If you slip up, you're still learning. So forgive yourself and get back on track, beating yourself up is not useful.
One example of this from my life is last week when I was looking at a jewellery website on instagram and admiring their designs. Within moments I had the irresistible urge to get into the car and drive to the showroom immediately. Had I made the trip, this would have resulted in purchases that I was not intending to make and certainly didn't need. Not that there's anything wrong with having beautiful things. It's just that when we're being driven by the Dragon's head, it doesn't lead to fulfilment but leaves us feeling disturbed and drained. Because I'm already aware of the tendency, I was able to ride the Dragon on this one. 


Emotional waves are likely to arise unexpectedly from the buried crevices of our psyche.  They are healthy, natural and normal. They are here to be acknowledged and released, that's all. We are whole, complete and powerful in the simple act of acceptance for all aspects of our experience. With an open heart, our inner compass is fully online. We're able to intuitively feel our way forward, meeting situations, opportunities and challenges that come to us with alignment and ease.


Reduce vata (air) inducing inputs like caffeine, alcohol and screen time that increase mental activity. You can fast from social media and screens for the eclipse day to ground and stabilise your nervous system. Our diet is more than what we eat - whatever we expose ourselves to with social media, entertainment and content - we become that. Reduce the time spent in needless noise and let your nervous system rejuvenate itself from the field of silence.


You'll need your sense of humour. When things go awry, and they will to some degree or another, try to see the funny side. It's not personal, the energy IS bumpy, rough and unpredictable. Being uptight will only ruin the mood and make us miserable. On the other hand, if we find equanimity during difficulty, we're definitely winning!


Tune into your intention for how you'd like to show up in this area. Having clear intentions reduces our chances of slipping into old habits that aren't serving us. Knowing our intentions is very potent, it unlocks the path to realising them. It's ok to not have total clarity, start with the clarity you have now and refine over time. Journal on these prompts:
What is the default pattern of behaviour when you're in challenging circumstances?
How would you like to show up if you had all the power and resources to do so? 


We are a product of the company we most consistently keep. Limiting our exposure to drama has a life changing effect on our sense of joy and wellbeing. Protect yourself from unnecessary involvement with toxic dynamics. Seek out energising environments and community with aligned values. Let your spirits rise.


If the Eclipse nodes (Rahu & Ketu) or Saturn are currently active in your birth chart, it will serve you greatly to take extra care of yourself. You're more likely to feel the energetic disruption in your inner world and have some unpredictability coming your way. 
If you'd like to unpack the impactful transits and planetary season active in your personal chart with me, you can get more information and book a reading HERE. You'll receive Vedic astrology remedies - Upayas - Mantra sadhana, gemstone recommendations and specific Kriya practices tailored to meet you where you are, and support your evolution.


Did you find this guide useful? 
What insights did you have?
Dis you re-learn or remember something?
What are your gaps? 
What steps have you put in practice, and what did you notice? 



and finally, THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE. i appreciate your presence in this conversation.

When we're grounded, balanced and stable in ourselves, the world around us becomes less of a battle and more of a playground. Eclipse cycles can become times of expansive discovery and fine tuning our instrument for sweeter harmony. The energy of the cycle does not change, it our attitude that makes a sea change.